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So you want to makeup style? These minimal CSS files corrects and improves default browser CSS; for styling in general and typographic style.

npm install makeup-style

Also consider using a library like postcss-preset-env for auto prefixing and fixing of newer rules for older browsers.

Import examples

The files are exported from “package.json” as ESM. The actual files are located in the “src” folder if you need the real path.

import "makeup-style/default.css";
import "makeup-style/develop.css";

Alternative files that use :where() for less specificity:

import "makeup-style/where-default.css";
import "makeup-style/where-develop.css";

CSS import (via postcss-import or Lightning CSS):

@import "makeup-style/default.css";
@import "makeup-style/develop.css";
/* Alt. files */
@import "makeup-style/where-default.css";
@import "makeup-style/where-develop.css";

Default CSS

Import default.css, or the alternate where-default.css that uses :where() for less specificity. Their rules corrects and improves the minimal necessary default CSS, ready for other layers of style on top:

  1. Up to date minimal browser normalizing.
  2. Responsive rules for small screen-sizes including universal border-box to prevent overflow and make styling intuitive, and otherwise prevent overflowing content with hyphens, overflow-wrap and improving some element to be responsive.
  3. Fix elements that disrupts typographic rhythm.
  4. Intuitive cursor values for usability.

All rules are included with the mindset of this generally fixing and improving default CSS in a minimal way. It does not style headings, or what would otherwise belong in your actual theme. For form elements, some input related elements get a max-width: 100% and button elements gets cursor: pointer—nothing more as they work cross browsers and restyling is a matter of opinion. But resetting their style is now quite easy using all and apperance.

This file is an alternative to normalize.css, modern-normalize, CSS Remedy, sanitize.css and similar—updated for all major browsers and with the latest CSS properties. The actual few, up-to-date, low-level CSS rules you want below your styling.

Notes & Tips
  1. Cloudflare’s auto minify of CSS may remove space before CSS attribute selector ignore case flag.

  2. Margin for <body> is not removed. So you usually also want to style body { margin: 0; }.

  3. To allow browsers to auto hyphenate words when text wraps, hyphens: auto is applied. It is not accompanied by rules to control auto-hyphens. hyphens: manual may be set (for some elements) on wider viewports and/or for advanced content creators who knows the shy HTML entity.

  4. code, kbd, samp, sub, sup are styled to not affect line-heights. If they are used as block-level elements though, they will be short in height since their line-height is adjusted. E.g., if their direct parent uses grid or flex. The solution is to redo your HTML structure (perhaps it can be more semantic?), or restyle line-height for these elements in this context.

  5. If font-size for code, kbd, samp, pre is defined, but not font-family, and no parent is styled with font-size, then browsers will not compute the font-size for these elements intuitively (e.g., with default browser settings, 1em would be computed to 13px instead of 16px).

    Fix by defining before mentioned, or by code, kbd, samp, pre { font-family: monospace, monospace; } (this is not defined by default because of it’s sideeffect of initially increasing their font-sizes).

  6. <hr> ‘border’ uses height and background for a nicer border. This makes it easy to adjust and extend:

    hr {
    	/* Gradient border */
    	background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, red, blue);
    	/* Change size */
    	background-size: 5em 2px;
    	/* Change position */
    	background-position: left center;
    	/* Change spacing */
    	height: 2em;
  7. Check browser support for properties hyphens and all, and consider automating fallbacks and polyfill with postcss-preset-env or similar.

Develop CSS—A Default CSS Expansion

Import develop.css, or the alternate where-develop.css that uses :where() for less specificity.

For developer convenience, it includes some simple rules for more intuitive coding, and reduce-motion rules for animations and transitions so accessibility is easier preserved.