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Unraveling Space Size: For Web Design & Development

Spacing in web design refers to the old art of typographic spacing, and later spacing of graphical design—which usually is based on the aesthetics of typography. An important part of typographic spacing is the rhythm.

When deciding on spacing in web design you have to start with a base space. This space should be relative to your main font-sizes, either: 1rem (text-base), 1em of your body text (text-body) or 1 leading of one of the former.

If you choose rem your good to go, for em, you can’t actually use em but use a variable e.g.:

:root {
	--text-body: clamp(
		1rem, 4.8vw, 1.3rem

.prose {
	font-size: var(--text-body);

:root {
	/* --space - base space */
	--space: var(--text-body, 1rem);
	/* --space-inline - inline space for elements like `ol, ul`.
	 * You want a dedicated global var for this and not `calc()`-it incase `--space` changes. */
	--space-inline: calc(1.5 * var(--space));
	/* x-axis space for gap between viewport edge and content */
	--space-edge-x: 4.125vw;

@media (min-width: 600px) {
	:root {
		--space-edge-x: 8.25vw;

@media (min-width: 1500px) {
	:root {
		--space-edge-x: 12.5vw;